The Great White Destroyer : Known Technical Issues 12-29-2010 Below is a list of known technical issues and any possible solutions to beating them. ////////////////////////////////// Freezes while loading sound files (This should no longer occur as of version 1.3) ////////////////////////////////// Reported OS: Windows XP Pro, Windows 7 Info: This seems to happen at random, as I've had people with these OSs report no problems running the game, but for a few it freezes up during sound load. It may also load really, really slow and when finished half the art assets and the sound is missing. Fix: Follow these simple instructions to run the game in compatability mode. 1. Right-click the game's EXE or shortcut file, select properties. 2. Click the Compatability Tab 3.Now choose the "Run this program in compatability mode" checkbox, and select a different windows version and hit Apply in the lower righthand corner. ////////////////////////////////// Choppy Framerate ////////////////////////////////// Reported OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7 Info: Happens on some systems and works fine on others. Fix: Follow these simple instructions to run the game in compatability mode. 1. Right-click the game's EXE or shortcut file, select properties. 2. Click the Compatability Tab 3. Now choose the "Disable Desktop Composition" checkbox and hit Apply in the lower righthand corner. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Contact Me at \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\